In our second student-hosted Medicine 360 podcast, Dr Gail Nicholls talks about the socio-economic class-divide in medicine. The issue is complex and important, both to individuals seeking to enter medicine, and to Medicine as a whole. We examine what has been done to resolve the related inequalities and what still needs to be done.

Dr Gail Nicholls is an Associate Professor in Primary Care with a background in general practice. She is also the Interim Director of Admissions and Widening Participation Lead for the University of Leed's School of Medicine. She has a great deal of experience in designing and delivering outreach projects and mentoring programmes.
The podcast is hosted by Ellie Harrison, a medical student from a widening participation background at the University of Bristol.
Listeners wanting to find out more about actions taken in the last decade to address the issue raised in this podcast might consult two reports from the Medical Schools Council:
Highly recommended also is an article, co-authored by Dr Nicholls, on the advantages of belonging to a higher socio-economic class when applying to medicine: